Oscars The HV Blog

2012 Academy Award’s Predictions – 84th Annual Oscars Are Coming

With the Academy Award’s quickly approaching, we think its time to make this year’s winning predictions for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress. Will George Clooney beat Brad Pitt? Will Meryl Streep win yet another Oscar? Will The Help surprise us all and triumph over The Artist? Here’s what we think.

Best Picture

2012 Academy Award’s Predictions – 84th Annual Oscars Are Coming, The NEW Hollywood Video

This is easily the most anticipated award of the night. Just to be nominated is an honor in itself. Previous years, some of the winners in the category were:

  • The King’s Speech
  • The Hurt Locker
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • No Country For Old Men
  • The Departed
  •  Crash

This year, we think The Help should win this legendary category. Simply put, it is heartfelt and spirited and most importantly, it has a worthy message. The favored winner in this category is The Artist, which was cleverly done, but in our opinion, it lacked the energy The Help emanated from start to finish.

Best Actor

2012 Academy Award’s Predictions – 84th Annual Oscars Are Coming, The NEW Hollywood Video

George Clooney, The Descendants.

Clooney’s performance was so raw and realistic that it was hard not to empathize with his character. Playing a workaholic lawyer who neglects his family and faces difficult life changing decisions, his work in this movie is unparalleled to other nominees.

Although the storyline is pretty straight forward, the brilliance is not in the story, but in the actor’s performances. While the other men in this category all had memorable performances, we find George Clooney to be the most deserving.

Best Actress

2012 Academy Award’s Predictions – 84th Annual Oscars Are Coming, The NEW Hollywood Video

The women in this category are all remarkable. Can we just say congratulations to Miss Meryl Strep, who earned her 17th nomination in this category, the most nominations ever received by either an actor or actress. What an achievement!

Although her performance along with the other actresses was superb, we believe that Michelle Williams should win this category for her performance in My Week With Marilyn. Williams does a convincing portrayal of Marilyn Monroe, channeling Monroe’s insecurities and gigantic ego; her performance was eerily on point.

Many have tried their hardest to capture the essence of the great Marilyn Monroe, and in this film, Michelle Williams does it flawlessly. For that, she deserves the Oscar.

Get Ready For It!

Whether or not our predictions become realities, we are still extremely excited for this year’s 84th Academy Awards. Every category has deserving nominees and we are eager to see which of them will take home an Oscar.

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