
Access the Future – Mysterious New ‘Looper’ Viral Site Discovered

Access (in?) the Future. When is that? How about 2044. Sony/Columbia recently launched an extremely well-made, kick ass new website for Rian Johnson’s time travel sci-fi Looper, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis. Discovered hidden within was a link to a new viral site, yet to be fully launched, for Looper, and specifically for Loopers, the mob men who receive and kill the mob’s dirty work from the future. The location is a URL for Looper Network and the site only shows a badass skull logo and the note “Loopers Only” with a coming soon image. This is only just about to start, but it’s worth keeping an eye on. Thanks to our friends on Twitter for the tip. Click above to check out the Looper site, stay tuned for updates. In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, a target is sent 30 years into the past, where …

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