
Bilbo & Gandalf from ‘The Hobbit’ Get an Entertainment Weekly Cover

“I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure…” It’s almost time for Comic-Con, which means lots of exciting images and promos, like this. Entertainment Weekly (via has unveiled the cover for their big upcoming Comic-Con preview issue. The new cover features Bilbo Baggins, played by Martin Freeman, and the lovable Gandalf, played again by Sir Ian McKellen, in full garb, eying the viewer. It’s actually not that spectacular, but there’s not too much else to write about this week anyway. Plus, thanks to a tip from, EW also posted a gallery of photos, which we’ve added a few of below the cover. First up, here’s the cover seen in full. If you’re going to Comic-Con, expect to see copies of this everywhere, which is why The Hobbit gets perfect placement leading into the Con. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: “In the movie we want these characters to have story …

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