
Check Out This Flashy UK Quad for Rian Johnson’s Sci-Fi ‘Looper’

Face Your Past – Fight Your Future. A new UK quad poster for Rian Johnson’s sci-fi Looper was found on IMPAwards today. For those trying to stay clean watching this and not spoil a thing, this is the perfect poster for you to see. There’s nothing it really reveals – except for Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his older self Bruce Willis, along with some big ass guns and a look at the futuristic city. This isn’t the best poster, but I like the concept, I like where they’re going with it, good effort. And if this helps sell the film in the UK and get more people to see it, then even better. Sci-fi posters with blue exploding cities always make me happy. Be sure to watch the theatrical trailer for Looper if you haven’t yet, and check out the US teaser poster here. In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid …

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