
Check This Out: Unique ‘Life of Pi’ Floating Boats Screening in Paris

This is a great example of a Hollywood publicity stunt gone right. Perfect execution, unique concept, works for the movie and plays online wonderfully after. EW (via recently wrote about a movie event that happened in Paris, France called L’Odyssée de Pi: Cinéma sur l’eau – which directly translates to The Odyssey of Pi: Cinema on the Water. Fox France held a premiere screening, with the help of the City of Paris, of Ang Lee’s wonderful Life of Pi—a must see if you haven’t yet—inside the Piscine Pailleron swimming pool, a listed building in Paris. If you’ve read the book or seen the movie, that’s how Pi gets his name. The audience sat in “Tsimtsum” lifeboats, complete with life jackets, to watch the 3D movie. Amazing. The event was captured on video via YouTube, of course, for online promotion and it’s worth watch. If only to make you jealous that …

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