
Comic-Con 2012: Our First Batch of Preview Night Showfloor Photos

It is my tradition to kick off Comic-Con by walking the showfloor on preview night and taking photos of anything movie-related that interests me. This year there seems to be a lot of the same booths, statues and setups as years’ past, but as always there’s some new stuff to be found on the massive convention center showfloor. I made my way through the crowds and snapped as many shots as I could before ducking out, but there will certainly be more to come at the end (as we always do a wrap-up piece as well). For now, take a look at our exclusive gallery, including photos of Marvel’s Iron Man armory and The Hobbit goodies galore. Here’s the big Marvel booth this year – a look at the complete armory from Iron Man 3! Better photo here. Disney built an entire booth for “The Art of Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie” – a …

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