
Compelling Interactive Site Launched for Park Chan-wook’s ‘Stoker’

“I’m curious about what happened to my father.” Fox Searchlight has launched another mysterious bit of marketing for Park Chan-wook English language debut Stoker, which they’ve been holding onto for release until March next year. The site can be found at referring to letters/notes from India, the main character played by Mia Wasikowska in the movie. It’s meant to shed some light on the bizarre relationships within the Stoker family. New footage will be added every week, but for now it just contains a scrollable story with vivid imagery. At the end it says “Coming Soon” reminding us there’s more on the way. I’m very curious about this film because it is so odd. Oh, and that spider at the beginning is insanely creepy. Click the image above to visit and bookmark for more as it’s posted, if you’re curious. After India’s (Mia Wasikowska) father dies in an auto accident, …

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