
Director Rupert Wyatt is Departing ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’?

There was already a shake-up at 20th Century Fox last week with Tom Rothman exiting the studio (it’s about time), but it looks like the issues over there aren’t all cleared up just yet. Deadline has word that Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt is departing the sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the title which Fox announced for a May 23rd, 2014 release early this past summer. So what’s going on? Apparently Wyatt is leaving the film for the same reason Gary Ross left the sequel The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. He’s not confident in delivering a quality film while similtaneously meeting the release date. The studio hasn’t confirmed this news, but the studio is said to be looking for a major director to replace Wyatt. Surely this is bad news for the fans who loved the original film because of what Wyatt did …

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