
Drop Everything and Watch This Ad for Rob Lowe’s Lifetime Movie

Perhaps you knew that Rob Lowe spent a good chunk of the past year playing accused wife-murderer Drew Peterson for a Lifetime movie; in fact, it’s why his hair was still so askew when the current season of Parks and Recreation started. Still, even if you’ve had time to acclimate yourself to the idea of Lowe-as-Peterson, it’s safe to say that this 30-second teaser for January’s Drew Peterson: Untouchable is so startlingly ultracampy that it may only be safe to watch through a pinhole, much as one would witness a solar eclipse. (We have watched it a dozen times at Vulture HQ with no safety goggles of any kind, and we’ve begun to feel the effects.) Why is this movie called Untouchable, you may wonder initially? Oh, by the end of this trailer, you’ll know. Yes, you will indeed. Read more posts by Kyle Buchanan Filed Under: tv ,rob lowe ,lifetime ,untouchable ,drew peterson

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