
Excellent New Photos from Chris Nolan’s ‘TDKR’ + New IMAX Spot

Have you started to lose your mind with all the incoming Dark Knight Rises marketing yet? We’re down to 14 days, two weeks, and that means plenty more is on its way. Geoff Boucher of Hero Complex interviewed Christopher Nolan, and his piece (beyond containing great quotes) also contains a few excellent photos from The Dark Knight Rises. Normally photos wouldn’t be much at this point, but these are pretty damn cool, you may want to look. There’s a fantastic new shot of Anne Hathaway in her sexy Catwoman outfit and also Morgan Freeman, plus some with Nolan himself. I’m already insanely excited, just want to see it. Nolan said his goal with this movie was to deliver “a unified statement, a real ending, a true conclusion.” Eight years after The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to the limits, forcing its …

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