
Excl: Unlock One of David’s Emotions with ‘Prometheus’ Viral Code

“David, what makes you sad?” Have you met David, the new android from Weyland? Fox has relaunched the Prometheus viral today with some exciting updates. Not only did they unveil a full-length amazing video showing Michael Fassbender being introduced as the Prometheus Project android David 8, but now they’ve got more for us, with a relaunch of the Weyland Industries website and Project Prometheus site. We’ve been exclusively provided with an access code necessary to unlock one of David’s eight emotions on another new viral site, called Real Emotion. Find out how to access that exclusive “real emotion” below. Here is the access code we were given, code #5 of 8. You will input this on the David Real Emotion website to unlock all 8 of his emotions. You can find the others all over the web, including at: ComingSoon (#2), Collider (#7), SlashFilm (#4) and Latino Review (#3) so far …

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