
First Comic-Con Photos of ‘Elysium’ Bugatti Futuristic Flying Vehicle

Last night upon arriving in San Diego for Comic-Con, we discovered there was some sort of futuristic spacecraft sitting in front of the Hard Rock Hotel. This morning I returned to find a badass physical display for Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium, starring Matt Damon (his first photo), a first look at one of the futuristic vehicles (a Bugatti!) from the movie. It’s so dirty and has hooks because, as a friend on twitter explained: “that shit gets F upped in the flick. Lot of great vehicles in the movie!” Plus, I think this is an actual set piece designed and used to film with, so the hooks were for mounting. Check out my six exclusive photos below! This is only the start of our Elysium coverage from Comic-Con (plenty more to come!), but I love this sci-fi design, I thought the look and setup was awesome, and I had to take some …

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