
Fleischer’s ‘Gangster Squad’ Likely Being Pushed Back to January

The latest update surrounding Ruben Fleischer’s LA cop drama Gangster Squad, which may undergo revisions in lieu of similarities to the recent tragic theater shooting, involves an actual release date shift. Both THR and Variety are now reporting that Warner Bros is “in serious discussions to boot Gangster Squad from its Sept. 7 release date to sometime next year.” Variety is saying they’re looking at an early January release date instead of its current October spot, which almost sounds like they’re trying to dump this after they make some revisions to the controversial theater shooting scene in the movie. More ahead. Details are rather vague regarding this update, since Warner Bros isn’t saying much publicly dealing with the repercussions and public pressure following the tragic shooting. But the reports from the trades seem to indicate the release date delay is indeed because they’re looking to reshoot the scene. “A move that …

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