
From Otherkin to Transethnicity: Your Field Guide to the Weird World of Tumblr Identity Politics [The Internet]

Like a lot of teenagers and 20-somethings, “Eric Draven” used to keep a Tumblr. The microblogging platform has a strong community aspect, and it’s easy to find people who like the same things — or are undergoing the same struggles — as you. There aren’t many people undergoing the exact same struggles as Draven (a pseudonym taken from goth classic The Crow), though: unlike most teenagers and 20-somethings, Draven isn’t, he claims, human. He might present as human, yes, but really he’s a “fictive and otherkin who, in previous lives, has been a Deku Scrub and a dark elf.” He’s also “transethnic(Japanese) and andrognous [sic].” More »

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