
Full Trailer for HBO’s Alfred Hitchcock Film ‘The Girl’ with Toby Jones

“There’s nothing of me left.” A couple short teasers popped up last month for Becoming Jane director, Julian Jarrold’s film The Girl, a TV movie from HBO that focuses on the relationship between filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock (Toby Jones) and actress Tippi Hedren (Sienna Miller) with special attention to their work in the filmmakers classic The Birds. Now a full length trailer has arrived, and it continues to show that HBO Films makes movies that are every bit as good, sometimes even better, than the films we see hit the big screen. You can bet this film will be getting plenty of Emmy attention when the time comes, so watch below! Here’s the full trailer for Julian Jarrold’s HBO film The Girl via EW: The Girl, produced by BBC Television in association with HBO, is a look at the relationship between filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock (Jones) and actress Tippi Hedren (Miller). The cast includes …

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