
It’s Better Up There – ‘Elysium’ Viral Restarts with Citizenship Initiative

“You won’t find a better home on Earth!” Finally, the long-awaited viral for Elysium has started up again, and they’re hitting Comic-Con hard. Last year, we discovered a viral site (visit it here) for Neill Blomkamp’s new movie for a company called Armadyne, but there were no updates on it. Things have just started back up here at Comic-Con, as totally expected, with a full-page flyer found at the Sony Pictures booth on the showfloor (good photos of it below). It links to a new page called simply “It’s Better Up There” that forwards to the “Elysium Citizenship Initiative” page, which is a new user sign-up for this viral. More info below. It all begins with a rather awkward, plastic-looking “Elysium border checkpoint” figure at the Sony booth. This must be part of the futuristic world in the movie that’s primarily divided between Elysium, a “luxury” space station with strict anti-immigration …

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