
Jack Bender Won’t Be Taking Jack Ryan to ‘Moscow’ with Chris Pine

Fans of ABC’s “Lost” may remember Jack Bender’s name, since he directed some of the most important episodes in the series’ six year run, including the controversial series finale “The End.” You may also remember his name if you’ve been following the movie news game for a while, since way back in 2010 we reported that he would direct a new film about the Tom Clancy character Jack Ryan, a prequel called Moscow with Chris Pine attached to star. The movie hasn’t gained any steam recently, and though Pine’s still on board, Bender has another project cooking and has decided to step down as director. More below! Bender is an executive producer on “Alcatraz” and is continuing to build his relationship with SyFy, helming their pilot “Rewind” after directing the pilot for “Alphas” last year. Variety says those television commitments didn’t align with the late start for Moscow, which will supposedly …

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