
Joel Silver Developing ‘Cash Truck’ Remake of French ‘Le Convoyeur’

Though it might sounds like a blue collar sequel to the trivia show “Cash Cab,” the film Cash Truck from producer Joel Silver (The Matrix, Lethal Weapon) is actually just a remake of the French heist thriller Le Convoyeur. Released in 2004, the film follows a father and son who end up driving behind an armored truck when it gets held up by masked gunmen. In the craziness of the job, the child ends up being killed, and the father decides to track down the thieves to deliver his own justice. But it’s more than just killing them, as he suspects an inside job and begins working at the armored truck company just to find his son’s killers. That last bit of information is what makes this a little bit better than any other revenge thriller, but it doesn’t sound all that thrilling. Of course, we haven’t seen the original film, …

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