
Joss Whedon Talks Marvel’s Phase Two and ‘The Avengers’ Sequel

Yesterday The Avengers director Joss Whedon hyped up James Gunn and his take on Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the pillars in Marvel’s upcoming Phase Two of their cinematic universe. Now he’s back to talking about his own work as an “overseer” for this next round of films with Marvel’s iconic heroes and also his progress on the highly anticipated 2015 release of The Avengers 2. Obviously he doesn’t have any specific plot points to talk about (and Marvel likely wouldn’t let him even if he did), so his words are vague, but it’s also clear again that Whedon is a fan just like the rest of us and doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder. When it comes to overseeing Marvel’s Phase Two, Whedon says he’ll let everyone do their own work: “Very talented people are writing and directing these movies, and what I don’t want to be is the …

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