
Kickstart This: ‘Coker Creek,’ ‘Jurassic Farce,’ ‘Flex is Kings’ + An RPG

Welcome back to another edition of Kickstart This, FirstShowing’s new column devoted to spreading the word about cool up-and-coming projects that need our help to become a reality. In our first entry in this series last week, we profiled a doc called Us and the Game Industry and a short called Beyond (which you can still help support), but this week we’re taking it up a notch. We’ve got four projects for you to check out today, and they include a traveling theater production from Austin, a documentary in New York City, a short film from Tennessee, and even an RPG video game based out of North Carolina. Check them all out below! First up, a project that only has a few hours left to help. It’s called Saturday Morning RPG, and it’s a video game set in the world of 1980s cartoons, movies, and pop culture. References to The Wizard, …

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