
Kickstart This: Dark & Moody Fantasy Adventure Comic ‘Backslider’

Welcome back to another edition of Kickstart This, FirstShowing’s weekly column dedicated to spreading the word about indie projects that need your help to become a reality. Today, we’re doing something a little different but still exciting and featuring an indie comic that needs some help to make it into production. It’s called Backslider, and it’s a dark fantasy tale set in the American Southwest about “the beginning of the end of humanity and the man trying to stop it.” Check out their work below, leave a comment telling us what you think, and don’t forget to toss the creators of this comic a few bucks if you can afford it. Read on! Up-and-comers in the comics industry faces a lot of the same challenges as filmmakers in Hollywood, with the concept of “project by committee” reigning supreme and many artists having to compromise on their vision in order to …

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