
Kickstart This: ‘Us and the Game Industry’ & ‘Beyond’ on Kickstarter

Welcome to the first edition of a new column here on FirstShowing called Kickstart This. The title is fairly self-explanatory, but each week we’ll highlight some cool, worth-funding Kickstarter projects that we feel deserve a little attention. They could be short films, documentaries, features, or they might not even be films at all. Since Kickstarter is for fundraising, we know the folks behind each of these projects would appreciate it if you could donate any spare change. Otherwise, maybe you can spread the word to anyone you know and eventually we can help some pretty interesting enterprises see the light of day. Our first two picks below! First up is a documentary called Us and the Game Industry. Similar to Indie Game: The Movie (which Ethan reviewed at Sundance here), it’s about a group of independent video game developers and explores their motivations behind creating the games they work on. They’re …

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