
Lionsgate Launches ‘The Hunger Games’ Official Poster Puzzle Hunt

Today marks the start of the 100 day countdown until Gary Ross’ The Hunger Games arrives in theaters next March, Lionsgate’s movie based on the popular book series. To celebrate the day, they’ve launched a massive poster puzzle hunt online, where 100 various puzzle pieces are scattered around the web and must be found to create/unveil the new official poster. We’ve got one clue (#12 of 100!) and there are many more to be found, mainly by searching for the #HungerGames100 hash tag on Twitter or following Facebook. I’m excited to see what the poster will look like revealed, so let’s start finding puzzle pieces out there now! To help put together the puzzle, you need to find all 100 pieces (one example seen below) from around the internet and put them together. Upload a photo of your poster to Facebook and @tag the official Hunger Games Movie Page. I’m sure …

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