
Mesmerizing First Wine Teaser Poster for PTA’s ‘The Master’ Unveiled

Would you like to try a sip of the vintage, 1950s The Master? The Huffington Post (via CinemaBlend) has debuted what is the first official teaser poster for Paul Thomas Anderson’s (PTA’s) new film The Master, starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. The interesting, and most mesmerizing, thing about this poster is that it appears to be a bottle of “The Master” wine, being submerged in wine, or something like that. That goes hand-in-hand with all the footage from the trailers of Freddie, the character Joaquin plays, being an alcoholic, who becomes a part of Lancaster Dodd’s religious organization. Thanks again to HuffPo for posting this thing in high res, which you can find by clicking below. Thoughts? A 1950s-set drama centered on the relationship between a charismatic intellectual known as “the Master” whose faith-based organization begins to catch on, and a young drifter who becomes his right-hand man. …

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