
Michelle Obama Answers Your Questions on PopSugar – Ask Away!

Women are at the center of attention during this 2012 election season, and it’s more important than ever for us to get out there and vote. Starting today on PopSugar, we are announcing a special interview series with First Lady Michelle Obama. Over the next few weeks, she will be here to answer your questions about the election and all the issues we are facing as women during this election time. We want to hear what’s on your mind, so share your questions. What are your concerns about women’s health care? Jobs? Education? Balancing being a working mom and wife? Whatever is on your mind, ask away; every week, the first lady will tackle your questions on a range of topics. Here’s Michelle Obama announcing our series in her own words. There are three ways to participate: 1. You can leave your questions in the comments here on
2. You can tweet using the hashtag #POPSUGAR2012
3. You can leave the questions in the post on our PopSugar Facebook page We’re so excited to hear what’s on your mind and to speak to First Lady Michelle together. The Sugar Inc. standard Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply to your submission and participation in the Q&A with First Lady Michelle Obama. Please note that submitting a question does not guarantee that it will be answered. However, you will never know if you don’t ask!

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