
Phenomenal 5 Minute ‘Cloud Atlas’ Trailer + Huge New Photo Gallery

“Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another.” Here we go. This looks utterly phenomenal. An international trailer for the Wachowskis & Tom Tykwer’s Cloud Atlas that runs a full 5 minutes has debuted at Mtime, and while it may not be approved for our viewing, it looks so insanely good I’m saying screw the movie studios, this needs to be seen! Cloud Atlas is the vast, ambitious, epic adaptation spanning six storylines and six worlds millennia apart that we’ve been hyping up for a while. There’s a batch of nearly 20 photos that also debuted, but they don’t even begin to compare to the sheer beauty and magnitude of this trailer. Wow. This is the kind of stunning cinema I have been truly waiting for. We found a working version as of posting this, but we hope the trailer remains viewable as long as …

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