
Prince William and Kate Middleton Show Off Their Dance Moves in Tuvalu

Prince William and Kate Middleton wrapped up their time on the Solomon Islands today. After spending last night at a remote beach resort in Tavanipupu and enjoying some private time, and even a couple of piña coladas with rum, they left the Solomon Islands from Honiara and headed on their jet to Tuvalu. Once they landed, they received quite a reception. Kate and William were carried in elevated, ornate chairs to a welcome ceremony, where Kate donned traditional garb to join dancers. William got in on the fun, too. The royals also visited the University of the South Pacific to discuss climate change and its effects on Tuvalu. Later, they’re expected to judge a boat race and attend an official dinner reception. Their Asian Pacific tour carried on while back home, their lawyers pressed a case against the French magazine that published topless photos of Kate. Will and Kate had a legal victory over France’s Closer, with a court in the country ruling the photos must not be published again. View Slideshow ›

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