
So Terrence Malick IS Going to Take On the Austin, TX Music Scene

Get ready Austin, Terrence Malick is going to make you popular. We’ve been following updates on auteur Terrence Malick’s two back-to-back films shooting in Texas throughout this year. Last year, after Malick and Christian Bale were caught filming at Austin City Limits, FilmNation thwarted the attention by announcing the two films – but only the names, Lawless and Knight of Cups. Not to be confused with his other, still untitled, in-the-can film either. Thanks to an update on the FilmNation site (via The Playlist) we now have a very short logline for Lawless, starring Ryan Gosling, and it confirms one thing: it’s about the Austin scene. It’s Malick! I don’t mean to become a logline/synopsis-chaser, but considering we didn’t really know what this was about yet and this confirms it’s at least about the Austin music scene, there’s something to get from it. That’s also exactly what/where Malick was already seen …

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