
Sound Off: Chris Nolan’s ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ – Your Thoughts?

Now that you’ve seen it, what did you think? The Fire Rises. The Legend Ends. It’s finally here. Four years after The Dark Knight, seven years after Batman Begins, Chris Nolan ends his Batman saga in epic fashion. In theaters everywhere, including 70mm IMAX, is The Dark Knight Rises, Batman’s triumphant grand finale. Christian Bale returns as Batman, joined by Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, Tom Hardy as his nemesis Bane, plus Gary Oldman as Gordon and Michael Caine as Alfred. So how is it? Best of the three? What about the way it ends? Once you’ve seen it, post a comment with your own thoughts on TDKR. Spoiler Warning: We strongly urge everyone to actually see the film before reading ahead, as there may be spoilers below. We also encourage all commenters to keep major spoilers from the film to a minimum, if possible. However, this is an open discussion from …

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