
‘Spider-Man’ Viral Restarts at WonderCon with Webbed Menace Poster

Whoa! Even though we have yet to even see the actual The Amazing Spider-Man panel at WonderCon (in Anaheim) this weekend, some viral marketing has turned up at the convention, unlocking a new website and new information (and mysteries). The poster handed out at the Con is simply a big “Wanted” poster for Spidey, no doubt orchestrated by Captain Stacy who thinks he is a “Webbed Menace”, which is exactly the new website launched (and linked to from the poster) at The website is a “sightings” report page to “Catch the Spider-Man” and even includes a video from Captain Stacy himself (watch below)! There seem to be a lot of new clues hidden in the video and on the new Webbed Menace site, including links and details and information about this story and how Spider-Man plays into things. We’ve been following closely the Mark of the Spider-Man viral (in support …

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