
The Guns of Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Jason Clarke in ‘Lawless’

The first trailer for Lawless (which Alex enjoyed at Cannes) made it hard for us not to include John Hillcoat’s Prohibition based drama on our list of 20 Movies You Can Still Look Forward to in the Second Half of 2012, and we’re still very much excited to see the film. A batch of character posters surfaced not too long ago, but now a new bit of hype has surfaced in weaponry. MTV has a cool banner breaking down the specs of the guns carried by the brothers played by Tom Hardy and Jason Clarke plus lawman Guy Pearce. This is the first of six banners like this that will show up each week so stay tuned. Check it out! Here’s the first detailed gun banner for John Hillcoat’s Lawless from MTV: John Hillcoat (The Road, The Proposition) is directing the Lawless from a script by Nick Cave which is based on …

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