
The Reasons Why HBO Doesn’t Want Your Money

The Interweb pretty much had a nervous breakdown when Netflix decided to charge subscribers an extra $8 for its streaming service. But now, wannabe cord-cutters (that’s the term for folks who try to get their TV without cable or satellite) are losing their shit because another web-based video service, HBO GO, won’t let them pay to subscribe (the service is available only as a fringe benefit to anyone who gets HBO the old-fashioned way). Yesterday, a well-meaning website designer from Illinois created TakeMyMoneyHBO, a website/Twitter meme/battle cry whose intent is to convince the pay cable behemoth that HBO GO should be an à la carte option. Lots of people have visited the site, and tech types are tweeting about it, but here’s the hard truth: All the Internet pleading in the world isn’t going to convince HBO to blow up its business model, at least not anytime soon.

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