
There Can Be Only One ‘Highlander’ and It Might Be Ryan Reynolds

Though the actor has already taken over two different comic book characters in both the Marvel and DC universes, it looks like Ryan Reynolds is ready to take over yet another high profile franchise. Variety reports Reynolds is currently the front runner to take the lead role in the remake of Highlander from director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (Intruders). The original epic fantasy (starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery) had our hero battling an unstoppable barbarian who covets the power gained from there being only one of near-immortal beings left alive. However, plot details on the remake are now under wraps. Though it seems like Reynolds has been pretty busy lately, he actually hasn’t committed to any new projects since his turn in Safe House with Denzel Washington (though he was already set to voice a speedy snail in Turbo). I’m not sure Reynolds is the right guy for Highlander, though his …

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