
Ubisoft Also Bringing Tom Clancy’s ‘Ghost Recon’ Games to Big Screen

Video game company Ubisoft launched their own motion picture division back in 2011, but they’ve been taking their time when it comes to transitioning their popular properties to the big screen. Films based on video games haven’t exactly had a stellar track record in Hollywood so far, but the company hopes to change that by keeping more creative control and not losing sight of what makes their games great in the first place. They already have Splinter Cell with Tom Hardy and Assassin’s Creed with Michael Fassbender in development, and The LA Times reports that special ops game Ghost Recon is being prepped for a movie. Production company New Regency, who is teaming with Ubisoft to produce Assassin’s Creed, seems like one of the few companies that isn’t freaking out about Ubisoft’s request to remain in total creative control of their property. It’s certainly a risk letting a video game company …

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