
Video Blog: Footage from Josh Trank’s ‘Chronicle’ Looks Awesome

It’s all fun and games until everybody gets hurt. Yesterday afternoon I was invited down to the Fox lot in Century City to see roughly 20 minutes of never-before-seen footage revealed from an upcoming film called Chronicle. Directed and conceived by Josh Trank, co-written with Max Landis, it’s a new “found-footage” film about high school kids who get telekinetic superpowers – we featured a kick ass trailer for it last year. While the footage didn’t reveal anything major plot-wise, we did get a glimpse at a few of the more intense moments and it looks amazing, I cannot wait to see it, one of my most anticipated pre-summer 2012 movies. Following the footage screening and event, which included a Q&A with young up-and-coming director Josh Trank (he’s on Twitter as @joshtrank) and Fox production exec Steve Asbell, I recorded a video blog with my friend Peter from SlashFilm. We were shown …

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