
Video Blog: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ IMAX Prologue was Exhilarating!

Earlier tonight I was invited to come see The Dark Knight Rises six-minute IMAX prologue in glorious full-screen film-projected IMAX. As many know, I am a huge fan of Chris Nolan and his Batman series, and I love The Dark Knight. I wasn’t sure what to expect and I haven’t been looking at any set photos, so this was all a surprise for me and it was amazing—even for only six minutes! The footage was personally introduced by Nolan himself, who I got to meet after. I won’t spoil the experience of watching it unfold, but this is something you must—at any cost—see in full IMAX, it is absolutely exhilarating, your jaw will drop. While I could fire off countless hyperbolic adjective after another in text, I’d rather speak my mind, so we recorded a video blog after the event inside the IMAX theater with Peter Sciretta from SlashFilm and Steve …

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