
Watch: Aaron Sims’ Incredible Sci-Fi Short ‘Archetype’ – The Next D9?

“My name is Patrick.” This is something you’ve got to see! I was tipped by reader Josh E. about a sci-fi short on YouTube that I had to watch called Archetype. I decided to check it out and, as he’d promised, it was incredible and already has big numbers on YouTube, but could go even farther and be made into a movie. Archetype was created by effects/animation veteran Aaron Sims, and it’s about these huge combat robots in the future, and one that has some sort of a… malfunction. It has a rather brilliant narrative in addition to an incredible world, very impressive work, I thought it was awesome. You do not want to miss seeing this! Here is up-and-coming filmmaker Aaron Sims’ sci-fi short Archetype, in full high def from YouTube: From the plot description: RL7 is an eight-foot tall combat robot that goes on the run after malfunctioning with vivid …

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