
Wonderful Video Featurette on Scoring ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’

One of my favorite films of the year that is officially starting to show up on a number of Top 10 lists for 2012 is Benh Zeitlin’s Beasts of the Southern Wild. Fox Searchlight, who picked up the film at Sundance, is now starting their big Awards Season Oscar push for Beasts (it deserves plenty of recognition) which is also now out on DVD. One the many reasons I love the film is it has an incredible score, made by director Benh Zeitlin and Dan Romer. The two created one of the most original and memorable scores (and films!) of the year. Thanks to Awards Daily for finding this featurette, made by The Creators Project, that explores creating the score and Dan Romer’s “scientific ability” to match sound to what Zeitlin showed him onscreen. Here is The Creators Project featurette about the score from Beasts of the Southern Wild, on YouTube: Waters …

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